@Original Author: 異世界から来た英雄
Japanese Anime
第一季第8集 高清资源AnyFans网站免费在线观看
4K HD Japanese Drama Comedy anime Acro Trip Season 1 Episode 8 HD resources AnyFans website free online viewing
伊达地图子是住在新泻县的一名宅女。地图子痴迷于守护城市的魔法少女“Berry Blossom”。然而,当地的邪恶组织“深渊”的首领库洛马既无能又弱小,因此几乎没有人会在意“Berry Blossom”与库洛马频繁的战斗。地图子发誓要让魔法少女的成就更加闪耀。而这种炽热的渴望,将这个看似害羞的初中女孩带向了充满陌生人的黑暗道路……
Chizuko is a normal otaku girl in Niigata Prefecture. She’s obsessed with Berry Blossom, a magical heroine who protects the city. But the battles with her inept nemesis, Chroma, have become so lackluster that they’re not even worth watching. Chizuko wants to see Berry’s full power, a desire that quickly leads this seemingly timid girl down a path of evil.